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Education system in Karenni Refugee Camp 1

(Research made by DCD program \ Knnc)


In Karenni Refugee Camp 1, there are five primary schools, four middle schools, one high school and one post-ten school. There are also other post-ten courses, such as the course provided by Karenni Social Development Center (KSDC). KSDC’s mission, vision, objective and subjects are different from KnNC’s.

 A report by the Social Development Centre, titled “Karenni Refugee Camp 1 Education Situation,” published on October 2013, gave us detailed information on the camp structure, particularly from the primary school to the high school levels. 

At the primary school level, which is grade 1 to 4, there are five subjects. These are Karenni, Mathematics, Basic Burmese, Basic English and Social Studies.

At the middle school level, which is grade 5 to 8, there are seven subjects. These are Karenni, Basic Mathematics, Basic Burmese, Basic English, Geography, Basic Science and History.

At the high school level, which is grade 9 to 10, there are seven subjects. These are Basic Mathematics, Burmese, English, Geography, Science, South East Asian History and General Science Studies.


According to KnNC Principal Gabriel, at the post-ten level there are four majors, Science, Information Technology, Social Science and Community Management. You can refer to the below table to see the subjects that students study under each major.


Major (For First and Second Years)

Subjects studied based on major:


  • English, History 

  • Mathematics,

  • Science 

  • Basic Computer

  • Karenni


Information Technology

  • Basic Computer 

  • Advance Computer 

  • Basic Mathematic,

  • English,

  • Intro to Social studies

  • Karenni

Community Management

  • Karenni

  • English

  • Basic Computer

  • Basic Mathematics

  • Karenni 

  • Community Management 

  • Introduction to Social Studies

Social Sciences

  • Karenni

  • Basic Computer

  • General English

  •  Basic Mathematics 

  • Social Sciences


In addition, third year students can major in diploma in community development. The subjects that are taught are Active Citizenship, Community Development (Human Rights, Gender Equality), Community Project Management, English, Democracy and Rule of Law, Research Methods, History of Karenni, Civil Education, and Political Issue, leadership (public education, advocacy, and sustainable development), Financial Management, Peace and Conflict and Field Work.

Importance of KnNC school


KnNC graduates are crucial for the Karenni community for three reasons. Firstly, they will play an important role within  the community in Mae Hong Son. In fact. after being graduated most of the students will become teachers or working in the Community Based Organization (CBO) or Non-Governmental Organization (NGO).As examples of opportunitiees are:  Karenni National Youth Organization, Karenni Women’s Organization, Karenni Social Welfare Development Centre, and Women Study Program. These are organizations are active into different needs of the Karenni community.

Secondly, KnNC is also important for the community in Kayah (Karenni) State, Myanmar. Khin July Soe who works for KnNC and Seh Theh Learning Center said "STLC have been running under the umbrella of KnNC in numbers of young people living inside Burma/Myanmar can get access education."


Thirdly, KnNC is also important for students who want to continue their higher education. Principal Gabriel said, “Students, who want to apply for further study, should pass the KnNC School in camp. KnNC School prepares students to get scholarship to study in international universities either in Thailand or other countries.”


Achievements of KnNC


KnNC has had many achievements. Firstly,KnNC is the highest level education in the Karenni Refugee Camp (1). KnNC generates around 80 students each year to work for the Karenni community.

Secondly, Principal Gabriel has noticed that more foreigner volunteers are interested to teach in KnNC. we have also introduced new major such as Social Sciences for First Year students.

Thirdly, Some KnNC graduated have opportunity to go to university.

According to Elizabeth Mimar, currently, there are 22 KnNC graduates that are studying different universities and 32 students have already been graduated.

KnNC curriculum has improved over the years and has also become better. In the past, for example, from 2010 to 2011 academic year, we had only about 30 students in KnPT.   At that time, we had five subjects in our school such as English, Science, Math, Social Science and History of Burma. 


Higher educational opportunities after graduating from KnNC


"After graduating from KnNC, I have decided to apply for further study to get a GED (General Education Development) or university certificate" – Peter Paul, third-year student studying diploma in community development.

After KnNC, there are three kinds of higher educational opportunities.

Firstly, graduates can go directly to university; nevertheless, this is only possible for those who have either Thai or Myanmar high school certificate – high school certificate from refugee camps is not accepted. That is why this is very difficult. So many students try to get General Education Development (GED) certificate, which allows you to sit for entrance exam not only in International Universities in Thailand but also abroad.

In the present, there are only two schools that can provide the GED certificate. Minmahaw School and BEAM school. According to Minmahaw School website, Minmahaw School offers intensive English immersion programs for disadvantaged Burmese aged between 17 and 23 years old that have completed compulsory aged education and have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to studies and leadership. The students do not have to pay for their accommodation or tuition.[i]

Secondly, they have the possibility to go to community management schools. For example, Global Border Studies GBS) which is located in Nu Po Refugee Camp are providing training. The focus is on the long-term: conflict transformation, reconciliation, sustainable development, and environmental sustainability are the core themes.

Wide Horizon is another school where students might apply for after KnNC. Wide Horion offer a two-year long learning program based in Mae Sot, Thailand. The school uses experiential learning methods to provide young professionals within community-based organizations with skills in community development, English language, and computer literacy.


If students who want to study further or apply for scholarships, KnNC can help them including recommendations, inform to students when any scholarship are available,  invite former students who are currently studying at International Universities to share their experience to students and give some guidelines like how to apply for scholarships and universities.  


What are the problems that KnNC graduates faces if they want to study further?


"There are many problems to go for further study. Especially if you do not have any Thai ID cards \ Burmese Passport or GED certificate" – Bu Reh, who teaches community project management at KnNC.


According to a 2008 report by Zoa Refugee Care titled “Taking learning further: A research paper on refugee access to Higher Education,” (“Zoa Refugee Care report”) certificates from post-ten refugee schools are not recognized by the Burmese and Thai governments. This is because they do not show how much knowledge the students have.  An other consequences listed on the ZOA report is that many students are requested to work in their community as a teacher and that most of them would rather prefer continue to continue their education.


Thin Mih Thway from Academic class within KnNC has also remarked that a few scholarship are available for refugees which reduce considerably our chance to pursue our education objectives.


"We have always encouraged graduated student to come back to work for their community and to help as their brother and sister have done in the past. it is the only way to sustain and promote our education system within the camp" Bue Reh - Graduated from Chiang Mai university and now teacher in KnNC.



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