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Diploma In Community Development


DCD Training Summary:

Diploma in Community Development  (DCD) is an extended study program under the Karenni National College (KnNC) based in Mae Hong Son area, Thailand that offers several courses in academic, life skills or community work skills and cultural. DCD mainly aims  to  provide learning opportunities for young people and enhance their capacities to better serve for their community toward a sustainably-developed society particularly in reintegration and rehabilitation back in their homeland and/or other places that they may choose to live their lives in the coming future.


DCD Study program

There are three semesters for one academic year and each semester is four months long. Students will be studying Community and Sustainable Development, Introduction to Peace Keeping & Peace building, Civic Education, Basic Accounting, Leadership, Project Management, Translation /interpretation skills, English and other related field studies which are designed for community work preparation. Medium of instruction will be English and Burmese.


Eligibility of application

Graduate of Post High School (i.e KnCC & KnFSP), Pass DCD entrance exam & interview, commitment to study and completion of the course, passion for Karenni and commitment to work for Karenni community after graduation.

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