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Karenni National College

Brighten the way into the future

KnNC was officially established on 24th June 2011 by merging KnPT and KLMC.  KnNC aims at preparing the students to be efficient in various professions and also equipping those who wish to continue their study with proficiency in English.


The Karenni Post Ten School (KnPT) was established by Karenni Education Department – KnED in 1995 with the aim of upgrading English language skills of Karenni high school graduates. But, since then, its curriculum has been modified in line with the adjusted objectives to satisfy the growing needs of the community due to its increasing student population. KnPT graduates have been serving their community on every corner of it.

The Burma Program Education Office (BPEO) and the British embassy in Bangkok jointly funded the school in 1997. But BPEO was the program’s sole funder from 1998 up until 2006. In 2007 and 2008, Thabyay Education Network and WEAVE jointly funded the program. In 2009, Canadian Embassy Fund, and in 2010 Child’s Dream. However, later years saw inadequate education opportunities for Karenni high school graduates, in terms of intake and learning areas.


Therefore, in 2003, Karenni Leadership and Management Course – KLMC was set up by Karenni Students Union with the aim of training high school graduates with community management and leadership skills in order for them to be able to serve their community in CBOs, upon completion of the course. This program was first financially supported by a catholic foundation from Australia. But, from 2005 onward still 2010, Karenni Student Development Program – KSDP was the principal funder of the program.

After 2007, despite large-scale resettlement, there is still a steady need or demand for post ten education because new arrivals are filling in the place of leaving refugees. However, the schools are facing staff shortage because of resettlement impact and discontinuity of financial support of their previous funders because of many constraints.

Therefore, in order to sustain their functioning, KnPT and KLMC have been merged, in the hope that available resources will be utilized while lifting their standard of service.

In the beginning of January 2016, we have decided to change KnCC’s name to KnNC for multiple reasons. We want the school to become a national school instead of a community school in the aim of being integrated within the Burmese education. The recognition of our education by the government is also primordial. Finally promoting and preserving our literature, language and our culture to ensure our future.

2016 Deeku France Association.  Proudly created with

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