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Why Deeku France Association has been created?


Since the 2012 ceasefire agreement that has been signed by the Karenni National Progressive Party (KnPP) and the Burmese government, many NGOs has shift their fund to Burma.

As a result the budget allocated for the education as well as other sectors has been reduced considerably. However about 300 students apply each year to attend the higher education program within Karenni National College. Because the shortage of fund KnNC has to accept 150 students. 

Running a school in a period where refugees are being prepared to be repatriated and where there is a lack of funds is very challenging.


Firstly, as Myanmar has open the door to tourists and to international NGO's, more job opportunities are available within the country. The salary offering by NGO's is higher in Myanmar than in the camp. The direct impact is that most of students after being graduated are less interested in community works (teacher, journalist, advocacy, leadership position...) and prefer to try their chance in Burma. In that case, the job seeker will have to be extra careful. We have noticed that people ending up as a human slave or drugs addiction. Some will have to struggle to find food, money and will unfortunately end up as a slave workers or drugs addicts.
Women will have to fight much more than men in  society. Most  women will end up becoming house wives and less chances will be  offered to them to occupy other roles and to demonstrate their capabilities  in leadership positions. KnNC shows every day that women must be more representative in our society


Secondly, many students who have finished high school and will not have the chance to attend KnNC will certainly have less chance to continue their education, get a degree or life skills knowledge. It will affect their living standard and their social life within their family and community. Some refugees  have been supported by NGOs for 20 - 30 years and have a false perspective of what the reality will be without that support. One day, people will have to stand on their own feet, and rely on themselves, being sustainable, being reasonable consumers and raising children in a healthy environment.
That is why that the higher education is the backbone of a community life, without it, young adults are less capable to find a sustainable way of living.


Deeku France Association has been created in order to support the higher education (KnNC) among disadvantaged people by providing funds, grants and job opportunities. DFA is looking to fill the  gap between the local needs and the internationals funders that are actively seeking education, development and women empowerment projects. DFA has an important role to play in order for  a new generation to become ready, efficient and  responsible citizens. DFA actively promotes higher education as well as life skills training. We are promoting our brilliant refugee education system that has been forgotten and not recognized.


Actually Karenni National College has 2 years course that are compulsory. DFA's goal is to fund the third year that wil be divided into different skills training such as:


  • Information Technology

  • Community Management

  • Vocational skills

  • Community Development

  • Women leadership program


The actual two year course will become the foundation course that will prepare students for the last specialisation training listed above.

2016 Deeku France Association.  Proudly created with

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