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Support us and become an active member of D|F|A
3 possibilities to support :
 Donate us and give a chance to a Karenni student to be employed with a full salary.
   You are a student or a teacher and you want to   organize a special events within your school in order to support our schools.
 Become a volounteer as a teacher and gain an amazing experience within the Karenni Community in Myanmar. 
100% donation will assist a student with his/her annual salary within the association straight after the graduation.


Fundraise for us


We are planning to form a partnership with international students that are interested in supporting and promoting the Education In Kayah State ( Myanmar). Myanmar is one of the poorest nation in the world.


We will collaborate together and provide you a guideline with all the information\idea needed for your campaign|fundraising project.


Become a volunteer 

We offer you thepossibility to become a volunteer teacher within our schools in myanmar\thailand and to live, learn with the karenni communtiy , one of the most welcoming community in the world.
our most needed subject:
Science\ Mathematic \ Computer \ Advocacy\ Accounting\ Environement\ Gender\ Development project\ Human rights\ Vocational training (house building, making local products, weaving, mechanic....)
If you are interested in volunteering  please contact us or

2016 Deeku France Association.  Proudly created with

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