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Karenni National College rennovation

On october 2015, DFA and the Bigwood's pub had done a fundraising project during a night. Over 2200 euros had been raised.  


We have started to use the fund for three main projects:


  1. Extantion of Boy's toilet in Karennni National College.

  2. Construction of a new girl's dormitory

  3. Construction of a new kitchen for the staff.


all projects have been in partnership with the local community and local builder.



Toilet Extantion : 12,415 bath (326 e)

Girl's dormitory : 14,750 Bath (388 e)

Staff's Kitchen : 29,055 Bath (738 e)

The total cost of the the 3 projects : 1452 euros


We keep the rest of the fund for another project that we are working on. We have an ambitious plan to fund the entire cost of the third year class within Karenni National College. Our team is working on a project proposal that will be ready by the end of August.

2016 Deeku France Association.  Proudly created with

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